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Soupe Veloutée à l'Oignon et au poireau au Pecorino Romano et aux pois chiches

LYOFOOD Sp. z o.o.
ul. Zagnańska 97A
25-558 Kielce, Poland

Types de produits: Soups

Si vous prévoyez de partir pour un weekend romantique à 2, on vous recommande de choisir autre chose ;) 

Mais si vous aimez l'oignon et voulez une bonne soupe pour vous réchauffer alors ce sera parfait pour vous! C'est promis, on vous transporte à la campagne!

Nous cuisinons avant de lyophiliser.

Dans nos produits, il n'y a pas d'additifs artificiels, pas de sucre supplémentaire, pas d'huile de palme et pas de conservateurs!
Nos produits sont préparés à partir d'ingrédients 100% naturels et certains d'entre eux poussent sur nos propres champs.

Nous produisons avec AMOUR! Savourez nos produits!

Tous nos produits sont préparés dans notre établissement en Pologne.

oignon 26%, poireau 26%, pommes de terre 17%, pois chiche 14%, fromage Pecorino Romano (AOP) 7%, crème fraîche, ciboulette, sel, épices (contient céleri)
Valeurs nutritives
Per 100gPer 60 g (370g réhydraté)
Calories1705 kJ / 408 kcal 1023 kJ / 245 kcal
Graisses 18 g 11 g
dont acides gras saturés 11 g 7 g
Glucides 35 g 21 g
dont sucres 11 g 6,6 g
Fibres alimentaires 12 g 7,2 g
Protéines 20 g 12 g
Sel 5,5 g 3,3 g

What makes our meals so exeptional?

100% natural ingredients

For our meals we only use 100% natural and fresh ingredients. We do not add any preservatives, artificial food-additives, colorants or flavour enhancers. We even grow most of the herbs on our own fields to make the taste of LYO meals so exceptional.

The real taste of a homemade dish

We pay attention not only to the freeze-drying process but also to the way of preparing our meals. We only choose high quality ingredients and always cook every meal before freeze-drying it. This ensures the real, fresh taste that makes LYO EXPEDITION meals so exceptional. Other providers of freeze-dried meals mix the ingredients after they have been cooked separately. We don’t.

Orginal form and size of product

The freeze-drying process allows the maintaining of the original form and size of all ingredients. We take advantage of this and cut all ingredients into bite-sized pieces. Consequently our meals not only taste like a homemade dish but they also look like it.

High nutritional value

Freeze-dried food has a very high calorie count. Moreover, it maintains all of the food’s natural vitamins and minerals. The consumption of a LYO EXPEDITION meal allows you to generate long-lasting physical peak performance.

Low weight

During the freeze-drying process 98% of the moisture content is being removed, which results in significantly reduced weight. Our meals are light-weight and compactly packed.

Long shelf live

LYO EXPEDITION meals can be stored for a long time. Since the water content is being removed during the freeze-drying process, microorganisms and enzymes action are inhibited. Each pouch is hermetically sealed and contains an oxygen absorber.

High safety standards

To make sure LYO EXPEDITION meals are safe in every aspect, they are checked twice in the in-house laboratory. Once- after being cooked and for a second time- after the freeze-drying process.

Ultralight & Functional pouch

LYO EXPEDITION pouch was designed to be lightweight yet still allows a comfortable preparation of the LYO meal inside.

Fast & easy to prepare

Tear off at the notch above the zip lock.

Add the amount of hot water described on the package.

Stir thoroughly.

Close the zip lock and leave for 5 minutes.

Tear off at the notch below the zip lock and stir again.

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